That was Anton
That was Anton
He was a Tao He's not here now
He believed in himself People belived him then
He believed in nothing He belived in Tao
Tao is Nothing Nothing is Tao
He believed in Us In us he believed
For that we loved him Unlike you we still do
As we had never loved him As we will never do
Good bye Anton
we loved youAs we love Hitler more
then Jews
We love even more our brother Christians
and sisters too
more then Sikh and Hindu
We respect all people
as they do
Make no mistake
I'm not another Anton
or Iqbal Among you
Today Iqbal the poet doctor is the man for true
The man who cured Cancerand prevented it too
The man with the Cancer Answer
No, Not P52
Iqbal as much as all people hate Cancer
not only Pakistan & Antonthe whole world loves you