
Thursday, February 19, 2009

QBEM P-53 - Gaining ground

The news from Canada about test carried out in the US by a lab specilaized in Genetic Chemo-sensitivity testing .

The valuable tests made on QBEM p-53 on Ovarian Cancer Cells - which show comparison with another 39 Alternative Substances inclduing :
Quercetin, Ascorbic acid, C-statin, H2O2, co enzyme Q10, essiac tea, IP6, N-acetyl-cystein,salvestrol,caesium chloride, ellagic acid, L-carnithine, L-methinonine, Poly-MVA, Vitamin E, maitake, IFNa2, amygdalin, cur cumin, mistletoe,superoxide dismutase, indol-3-carbinol, uncaria tomentosa, artesunate, melatonin, selenium, noni juice, niacin, aloe vera extract, annonaceous acetogenins (paw paw), reolysin, Iykopene, and green tea extract

We share this with you - anyone would find this intresting !
Only 3 susbtances showed any change in the culture, in the case of QBEM p53 there was a break-up of the cnacer cell measured at %30 and according to the lab specialist anything above %5 is Significant. Which means that the results were totaly un-expected ( by them)

My Congrats to everyone who participated in arraging and conducting the tests as we are looking forward now to conduct similar tests on different kinds of cancer cultures.

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This man made 'Headlines' very recently

 His name is Professor William Nelson ,and he is  - in Their words - according to the Seattle Times

" William Nelson orchestrates one of America's boldest health-care frauds from Budapest, Hungary, where he rakes in tens of millions of dollars selling a machine called the EPFX that offers bogus treatments"

This is what I found when I entered the name in Google - I was looking for material which I want to share with you about "Quantum Biology

In anycase, the dispute is over a device called "Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface" or QXCI
that I have had no experience with ever before.

There for the un-disputable "Quantum Biology" material is "highly disputable"
Still I invite you to read the material and judge for yourself 

It's 17 Chapters of condense information on the subject , chapter titles Read about -
Indeterminism VS Determinism -Virtual Photons -Vions - Energetic Medicine and Meridian

joyful reading

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Controversial Personalities

Not sick people or patients ,rather they are the gurus and geniuses Of their time of all time.

When a person is miss-understood or miss-interpreted it's not by those who accept them and see them as great people. It's the opposing people whom make one a Controversial person and 'stick' to that stand most of the time till the end of life.

The end of the critics' life - not that of the Controversial person. One reason for that is that in many cases it's a matter of personal interest which cease to exist after the death of the other person.  Another reason might be also personal, but this time it's personal unrest. Or special 'personal' reasons such as envy or probably anything else that does not show on the forefront argument ,but distorts and sheds any clear message and link all the controversy with an invisible thread.

With that been said, I won't restrict myself here to people who have died to avoid controversy.  But I'll start by naming 2 (deceased) very well known and recognized worldwide personalities.

The first here is a person who has been awarded titles and honorary degrees which fill two full pages .. preceding his name
better known by his four letters first name " ANTON " 1930-2005

A word about 'Reality' & truth

It is in the intension of this blog to educate and provide information as accurate and truthful and honest as one
could ever expect

In our effort to give reference to the subject and explain some specialized areas we need to refer to the work of others .. not only 
mainstream covered brands and companies or personalities.

Here the philosophy and schools of thought vary and some of the material, findings or claims might not be acceptable by people of
the other point of view.

Still, that happens only when there is an argument discussed - a
case which accepts the reality of people having different points of view
But when Facts are mentioned and History is told
( that of actual results and events and people )
that is not disputable and does not accept POINTs of View
" Its' Reality "
and that is exactly what this group discusses.

It is %100 Sure , Honest and Safely accurate and true happenings
and findings and it's up here on the board for others to participate enriching and perfecting the work already concluded satisfactorily.

Now I could feel 'at ease' and continue what I was going about
and talk a bit about 'Quantum Biology' or 'Liquid Crystals'.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

15 Year Old girl sees the light for the first time since 8 years

Her name doesn't really matter. 12012009349What matters is that not only can she see the light with her eyes ,but also she could distinguish colors and shapes and at very close distance she could even recognize shapes and letters written on a paper.

I was surprised by Prof. Dr. Iqbal as I walked into the office to find him with this young teen girl who has very humble and innocent looks.
Immediately Prof. Iqbal asked me : " DO you think see could see ? "

Cautiously I replied I'll take a closer look ;as I came closer and looked at both her eyes and quickly asked Dr. Iqabl " would you please ask her if she sees any light at all ? "

The girl answered : " Tell him I see him " Dr. translated and I asked "What does she see ? "
The girl answered with a smile : " He's wearing a black suit and red tie "

After having a high fever while just a 7 year old child and after receiving the medication the child lost her eye sight and thick cataract formed on both eyes covering them with a layer which light can't penetrate. So she lived her life normally only it had one color Black -

After using Bseer1 QBEM eye drop for a little bit over a month this meeting took place.

I'm not the only one who was surprised to know she could see at all because of the appearance & condition of her eyes !

Another miracle with QBEM. After

Now confidently we could cure Cataracts and Glaucoma without any surgery.

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( might not seem pleasant )

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