
Sunday, June 7, 1998

The Internet Information Pollution - Virational Pollution - Spectra Poulltion

Yes , Today we are the Future
To begin the discussion allow me to say : "The Internet is a Social phenomena rather then a technological revolution"
“ Today , Knowledge is the commodity which is in ever increasing demand “ and naturally “ Knowledge is the product of enlightened & innovative brains; the Factories of the future society “.
These statements imply one thing for those wanting to play an active role in shaping the future of their lives as well as that of others depending on them .
Building brains requires many disciplines and does not come about haphazardly or by chance . In this respect it is most crucial to state the role the environment plays in making this possible or impossible. To better explain this let us use this analogy as an example…
Where Brains are factories and Knowledge is the product the environment represents & contributes many things such as : first the Transport , the Raw Material , the Labor & Machines ( S.W. Tools ) in addition to of course the Supply & Demand or the Opportunities & problem or threats hindering the business .
The most important factors & Building Blocks for a Knowledge Based society include
• Applying a Methodology
• Availability of Information
• The Ability to Extract knowledge from Information
• The Facility to Process Knowledge and make it useful or in consumable format
• The Facility to Store & retrieve and disburse Knowledge

The New “ Central Office
As societies advance along the knowledge path it is imminent to have “ Central Offices “ that store, Process and disperse knowledge . of Course as well as Safeguarding knowledge in-transit.
The function of Knowledge Banks include as in today's banks facilitating knowledge exchange between their clients and other parties as well as all brokerage activities such as identifying possible opportunities or threats and analyzing the trends especially those influencing supply & Demand.

Keeping all the above in mind . We must confess that today there is a lot of information all around ,but not necessarily useful information or that which is required or in demand. This is what we refer to as Information Pollution .

Information Pollution is in ever increasing magnitudes. It is a key characteristic of the Information Age . “ Pollution “ because such information is mostly unworthy for consumption by people or in other instances hazardous or harmful to them. The Polluted or contaminated information clogs people’s brains and consumes their attention and time without any payback to them.

The "Pollution" attribute applies to both the Content and Intent and Medium or transport
More frequently the timing and amount of information being bombarded at people against their will as in cases where it is very hard to avoid therefore Information pollution is not easily avoidable.
Examining this closely..
Pollution is not always easily detected until it reaches high levels which start to offset people’s positive or productive sides of life in ways not desirable to them . Even then it is not easy to overcome.
Therefore Information pollution is in every aspect of today's life and the only way to overcome it’s harmful effects is through disciplining oneself and following the important guideline of “ Green Information “ or “ Brain Friendly “ Information .

This matter is extremely important and I’d like to share with you my personal experience and conclusions.
Sources of Mis-Information & Pollution
• Satellite TV
• Video Games / PC Games / Arcade games
• E-mail
• Mail
• Ads in all media formats
• News
• Books
• Schools ( circulars out of date )
• Religious Groups
• The Internet

The 4th Generation’s Role in the Information Pollution Age
We at the 4th Generation realize the great responsibility of overcoming problems pertaining to Information Pollution and it’s affects on us and our environment . Therefore we have plotted a very well thought of path to expose this subject and overcome its undesirable outcome.

The first step in countering this crusade is understanding it ; What it means, knowing it’s sources and realizing their bad affect on us and accepting all that as a truism.
Secondly, we have identified the easiest and most effective means to overcome the problem.
Third, we’ve devised and made available the tools and weapons to defeat this enemy of mankind.


At a physical level all of this could be categorized an summed up as Vibrational pollution Covering different spectra areas of the electromagnetic spectrum including
• Sound
• Visible Light
• Undetectable electromagnetic Pollution
Aspects of Information Pollution
• Mis-Information
• High Volume of information
• Round-Clock Delivery On/By various Medias
Aimed to
• Stun
• Freeze
• Disrupt
• Dramatically Alter Daily & Long term Plans on all levels.
Shift Focus Cause ╬ Change
Mis-Information Cause Ж Dispute
such as all that is published & Advertised about or by the “ Hollywood/Bolywood “ and other "Show-Biz" perspective & views

This is a good example because of it's multifaceted effect herding & manipulating masses of people by using and controlling their Instincts, emotions & desires appealing to the natural reactions and programming the mind for suspended judgment responses and actions at given situations by Showing
• Horror
• Fear
• Hunger
• Need for shelter
• Sympathy & understanding for types of people
• Illusions & Hallucinations
• Science ( fiction )
• Cultism, Conspiracy & prophecies
• Higher Cause
accompanied by direct or indirect hidden messages or even subliminal suggestions.

Defending Mankind against EVIL which wants to change & destroy the FREE/Democratic way of life with all what Nudity could arouse, give Hope and Ambition for Success, Symbolize Pride and Honor and of course with all what money could buy . ( Property , Jewelry, Cars , possessions and Fame and all dreams come true.

It’s Time for all to WAKE-UP and realize that the words say clearly ..” DREAM “

At the end I must state that the responsibility in a collective responsibility ..not only that of the 4th Generation to exploit all forms & sources of Information Pollution and neutralize them .

4th Generation
founding member

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