
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beem me SCOTTy

“Beem me SCOTTy”
When Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Gene P53 molecule enters into the body
it arrives at the right location(s) equiped with all the necessary crew and tools
and materials needed !
The retro-transposones world which coprises more then 70% of our DNA is craoded and things are juppy there to the extent that very little is understood or known about it.
Scientifically, it is a matter still bening investigated. As this and other articles cite
Our understanding and precpetion of the subject started in 2004 Highlihing the role Retrotransposons play at the heart of the hypothesis of how Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Gene P53 (Snatinib.e) works in the body through the DNA at large
and Gene P53 mediated genes,functions and pathways.
At that time it was noted also, that effects of Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Gene P53 seem to affect three distinct levels of the Gene P53 in various cells.
The Protective role of Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Gene P53 was also noted and documented by histopathological evidance clearly proving Gene P53 restoration of mutations.
Later, much later in 2009 I started to take intrest in Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Gene P53 role according to observations made since 2006 regarding a “New” ‘Cell-Cycle’ !
Now  It is Augest 2011,

[i] Oncogene 28, 3857-3865 (5 November 2009)

·                     Oncogene 28, 3857-3865 (5 November 2009)
·                     p53 responsive elements in human retrotransposonsRole of p53 responsive elements
·                     DNA elements that are capable of altering the human genome through retrotransposition
·                     L1 elements
·                     which have a rich history of causing changes in the genome, and the p53 protein
·                     increased expression of L1 mRNAs by p53 actually increases, rather than decreases, the genomic stability through amplification of p53-dependent processes for genomic protection

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Tunnel of Light

Light..throughout the tunnel
With the new generation of Quantum Bio Energy Medicine molecules it has become possible to radically improve and possibly cure a wide range of diseases caused by genetic causes. It is not a fantasy story of some science fiction movie imagining that such results could be achieved through exploratory research findings and series or trail & error tests of some hypothesis 
 Genetic mutations are a multitude and increasing all the time.
The idea that curing all those diverse and constantly changing patterns is achievable thru cut & paste techniques is as shooting an arrow towards the moon and hoping it would reach...and waiting to see it's impact effect when it hits' the moon surface.
and they say day after day , year after year ..oh , there's light at the end of the tunnel !
Well Guess What ?
The Light is throughout the tunnel ... rather it is a tunnel of light !
The main concept which Quantum Bio Energy Med is based upon is resonance. Resonance by definition is process of energy exchange between two sources or more through a channel which is created by the resonance instance.
The Energy is Quantum Bio Energy (Light) , and because the Energy Tunnel (in Reality space/time gate) appears to be faster then the speed of light we are led to believe that it is quantum energy. Quantum Energy Draws it' power from everything you could imagine even thoughts and intentions and micro pulsations that exist in the surrounding environment.
What I'm trying to describe above is the simplest possible explanation  

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Discussion

A big battle ..lot of casualties on all sides battling
Pain, blood, and lots of happenings.
A Soldier fights, while a Singer sings  for triumph & Victory 

A Poet writes some beautiful words ...
inspiring an artist to draw a picture of genuine creation never seen before

While some weep their husband or father or brother or sister 
others celebrate in joy the same event which caused all this impact. 

to be followed ( SickleCell )

Friday, July 15, 2011

Embarking on new trails - Securing already claimed sucesses

One of the most notable fruits of  Prof. Dr. K. S. Abbas Iqbal visit to Saudi Arabia : Two agreements with professional authorities to conduct two clinical trails to verify & further authenticate the sucessful results achieved using two of Mushfa's most recently developed Quantum Bio Energy Medicine.

Again, the pole is set high and we are up to the chalange.
The subjects

  • Infertility
  • Hemophilia

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Plan D

The ethics of the profession
  • ·         The Wise
  • ·         The Healer
  • ·         The Comforter
  • ·         The Doctor

People young and old from all professional fields in life seek the wise to get answers to their unanswered questions. Strangely, in the case of medicine all the information in the books or any other sources becomes information that can’t be put to use directly before consulting the doctor.
More strange is the fact that a person seeks another persons’ opinion and insight & advise about himself. Many time after meeting for the first time ever.
§  The wise is supposed to listen and identify with the person
§  Not asking any questions till the case is laid to rest
§  Then the wise questions should first verify the situation as understood
§  From here after completing the unstated particular features of the case , further examination or tests might be required before assesment of the case and treatment course

Many things between the lines go unstated.
The mere time of the visit during the day is a factor.
The prsence of accompanying family member or friend is factor & indication
The role played by such person is a factor
Each word said and unsaid

For example

The most apparent

  • o   Frame ( Build )
  • o   Cloths [ Cleansness, style -formal/casual ]
  • o   Tideness
  • o   Voice
  • o   Eyes
  • o   Face
  • o   Movement
  • o   Talk/Listen
  • o   Articulation

What brings this peron here ?
Have they seeked help elsewhere before ? Where ? details
What kind of a person are they ?
Seeking advise or with questions seeking answers or in need of help
What is the best way to help ? How could we help ?
What is the main complain ( Acute Condition ) ?
If there is PAIN or Discomfort could it be reduced or managed ?
©       The wise need not be reminded tha nature is wiser
©       The healer knows he is meerly a channel for mercy & blessing
©       The comforter’s mere presence is comfort
©       The doctor writes the prescription and gives profesional insight & advise
The person leaves satisfied and feeling posatively motivated & empowered in many ways.
Then they come again for the first follow-up visit if they come again.
What now ? what has changed ? what is most notable ?

In every visit ,
I find myself asking
Ø what did you have last nigh for dinner ?
Ø What about today ?
Ø When did you wake up / go to sleep ?
Ø How often do feel this way ?
Ø What time was it ( when symptom was noticed ) ?

Plan D

Common reaction of a person to disease.
v  A - Alert ( reaction)
v  B- plan B ( Take action)
v  C- change plan ( Change not staisfactory )
v  D- Doctor

Clinical Quantum Bio Energy Medicine-1

Clinical Quantum Bio Energy Medicine
A vastly wide and complex subject is better explained in practical terms
When we started working with Quantum Bio Energy Medicine more than a decade ago we did not choose the path ahead of us rather the unfolding discoveries guided our intuitions & thoughts as we became more familiar with the matter at hand.
The reason I mentioned the above fact is specifically what guides me in addressing the subject of Quantum Bio Energy Medicine in clinical application. I will follow the same path. Talking about the General Infections, Inflammations, Pain management in cohesion with central role of the regulation of body fluids in particular the marrow and blood which in turn reflect and affect the body’s immune system ability to resist & combat disease naturally while restoring and replenishing worn out or dis-functional cells & tissue while producing any bio matter required in the process. This leave one more core area which address particular major organs and  their function namely those of the respiration, GI system and the renal and hepatic organs and their respective functions.

This is more than enough in most complex chronic disorders & diseases. However, we must note that here we have not addresses the allergies, emotional or hormonal imbalances or the higher nervous system areas because it would be very premature and one cannot escape the underlying pathology which affects such conditions being a root cause for the root of the problem which manifests as dysfunction or symptoms attributed to allergies, hormones ,emotions, or higher brain functions identified in various groupings according to specific criteria as a particular Disease.

In this paper I intend to talk about the pivotal role healthy & balanced “blood” plays in the body.
Volumes and volumes are still been written everyday about blood. It is a medical specialty be itself know as hematology. I’m not one nor is this paper written for hematologist specifically.
Blood is the fluid of life; comprising primarily of the ‘secret of life’ ; that being water.
In this stream consisting primarily of water living bio material & cells flow carrying nourishing nutrients & oxygen alongside the waste back and forth throughout the body tissue in super highway channels known as veins and arteries branching into smaller and smaller blood vessels.
Therefore, You are what you eat.

Food intake is the primary source of energy for the body while being the only one for supply of numerous chemicals which are essential for the biological activities & functions taking place within each of our bodies all the time.
How you eat & how much you eat is as important as what you eat and when.
Because you are not what you eat literally , Human beings eat just about everything that moves..on the ground or in air or in the water that doesn’t make us animals as consuming plant products or vegetation doesn’t make us a plant !
Why state the obvious ;because in the case of Animals or Plants their feeding is driven by their animal instinct and is restricted by a very narrow selection from their environment according to their position in the food chain.

Humans , eat not only out of hunger or to survive. We have very diverse eating habits, preferences and cravings and cook our food or prepare our meals of many ingredients mixed together.
This is what makes as different. This is what makes us all Human beings no matter what our language ethnicity religion culture education or financial or social status. Some drink coffee some drink tea some drink carbonated fuzz drinks other alcohol or beer. Other smoke cigarettes you can’t restrict that to a class or age. Bears, Camels and sharks don’t do that this part of their life is by far more simple.
A human being is a complex set of things combined together. Our physical bodies hardly represent what we really are if you look from the inside to the outside. As most commonly done in western medical tradition today.


Many approches exist today and are in practice by different medical health Professionals, allopath physician or doctors or folk or traditional medicine practioners and spiritual healers or those using unconvetional methods known in general terms as alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine is a very elastic and vauge definition or rather classification that identifies any and all methods other then allopathic statistical approch and chemical drugs as alternative medicine.

Many of what falls under the ALternative Medicine according to the above classification is fine rooted in energy medicine when viewed in pure scientific terms of chemistry & physics.
But in real life , for the sake of practicality and money or time constrains a small portion of all the science known and human experience & wisdom are applied at any case.

Most modren science is highly spcialized and conpartmentalized to the point of ignorance to everything else. This is natural because of the fact that each domain of science has it’s rules and theroms or laws which it is contained within. What about the rest ?
That has to be addressed by other doamins of science.

Some times dumbed thinking leads to dumb understaning or reasoning and conclusions.
One dumb way of undersatdning the health comdition of a person is reducing them to heart rate, blood presure, resperation rate + some blood tests.
Those are all indications ,but never tell a story.
The story is always told by the person.

Any person is their own best judge of overall wellbeing. Afterall , it is the person who first reaches a decision to seek help of a medical professional once they notice negative change in their life associated with some symptoms which raise discomfort or irritation or unanswered questions or pain or change in vaitality or daily eating or sleeping habits.

In all cases. In every occasion a person seeks the help of a doctor the first thing to identify even if all tests are done and the case is diagnosed and prescribed medicine - the main complain or the highest concern of the patient at the time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Bliss of Silence

Listening the Sounds of Nature & the Inner-Self

Meditation is  found in many cultures & traditions and takes many forms and names.
In most of the meditation techniques , after regulating the breath & relaxing the body muscles one is instructed or advised to use a 'Mantra' - specific phrase or single word - repeating it in their mind or aloud to sustain & retain the same meditative 'state' or reach that state.

It helps to use such suggestion or message not to go astray and to keep one on track set forth at the beginning of the meditation. The 'Mantra'  sums the goal of the meditation or desired outcome one assumes before they meditate.

Most people meditate because they are told or believe it is good for them in various ways. Many more do meditate to attain a higher level of inner peace & realization or awareness.

All along until now in this page I was attempting to distinguish Meditation in general with all its' techniques & names, weather religiously derived or spiritual in nature or that developed recently with the aid of bio-feedback or audio/visual multimedia such as sound tracks of sounds from the nature or relaxing music or music specifically made for achieving brain states ( Alpha, Beta, Theta ) through rhythm entrainment, and finally, both active meditation and transcendental meditation.

When everything goes wrong

There are books written about the Lymphatic system & Lymph nodes network as the body immune system but let's talk a little bit about other aspects of the Lymph particularly the interface  between the Brain and the CNS Central Nervous System and the relation to rejuvenation or regeneration replacing damaged tissue or permitting new tissue regrowth.

  • The relation between Lymph & Nervous system
  • The relation between Lymph & Endocrine System
  • The relation between Lymph & Blood

Here we ended up making the Lymph our focus and the Spleen our target ; counting the spleen as part of the GI system which is viewed as a network for communication & medium for transport.
The essence of the stem cellsbone marrow as well as the muscles & tendons fall under focus as well.

All (xxx) the essence of the blood , the essence of the Lymph fluid , the mother of all the cells the stem cell.

Still one thing remains - in terms of vital essence and that is what represents consciousness , identity, the spirit or the natural intelligence for that we will designate the Air which we breath as that second ingredient besides what we drink & eat - as together they are what goes in & out of the bodies and provide us with all the nutrients & chemicals our bodies use for all the bio activities.

Here we will enact a DNA repair & Upgrade through Quantum Energy Medicine and Quantum Energy Medicine & integrative Medicine protocols. Full upgrade requires 8-12 weeks while instant upgrade could be achieved instantaneousnessley &  immediately in one go.

  • There will be change in  Diet & Food intake 
  • There will be change in Activity/Rest/Sleep habits
  • There will be change in Mood / Mindset
  • There will be change in overall improvement noticed during the first period or follow up
We will find ourselves addressing many common everyday activities and learning how to improve
  1. How to Eat
  2. How to Drink
  3. How to Sleep
  4. How to Work
  5. How to Rest
  6. How to Breath
  7. How to Think
  8. How to Enjoy life
  9. How to Be

Thursday, April 7, 2011

We Can Help

As higher rates of radiation hit the whole world through weather , Ocean waters, Rain and air borne Radioactive Isotopes all biology lifeforms are affected Bacteria, Plants, and Humans at various levels in diverse ways.

In Short words a rise in genetic mutations & malfunctions expected to be on the rise with weird un-expected effects.
Greater rates of Cancer & assault on the Immune system and every cell on genetic level.
Energy Medicine can prevent and revert the mutations caused by such radiation as nuclear isotopes !

Leuren Moret - Coverup - California Northwest USA BC Canada under radiation threat as high as Japan from Alfred Webre on Vimeo.
Independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABT) has stated in an exclusive April 4, 2011 interview with reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre that the effects of the tectonic nuclear war against the populations and breadbaskets of North America (Canada, United States, Hawaii, and Mexico) are being intentionally covered up by the administrations of Barack Obama in the United States and Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Canada.

The radiation effect of this false flag global radiation war intensified this week as radiation maps produced by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) now confirm that the Midwest of the United States, all of California, the states of Oregon and Washington and the western part of Canada are under a radiation threat with radiation levels as high as that in Japan in areas adjacent to the six units of the Fukushima nuclear power plant that started in melt-down on March 11, 2011.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It only 'Natural'

One can understand why so many of the physicians have a hard time accepting or understanding the material and proofs put forward and in their hands to examine when talking about a subject such as 'Cancer'
They have spent all their professional life ( twenty or thirty years or more ) seeing people suffer and expire while in false hope of some cure or recovery or waiting for a mircle which seldom happens.

It is an insult to those working in the medical feild for so many years when they hear the news that there is truly a cure for cancer.
It is another insult to their intellegance when we start to talk in terminology they never heared before and can't understand.
It is an ultimate 'knock-out' when they are told that this medicine is a medicine of physics rather then the medicines that work according to chemistry which all the known synthitic chemical, natural extract and herbal medicine commonly used around the world.

How could it be that there is something so profound and great that they have'nt heared about ?
and again how could it be true when the whole world is still spending thousands of millions trying to discover a better treatment or cure for cancer while our claims reach beyond their dreams.

Well, let it be known it is only natural to be the case.
We are used to ignorant people and arrogance of the ones holding prominant posts or with long experiance with the same thing.
We accpet their points of view and try hard to explain to them and answer their questions honestly and as accurately as possible.

But at the end there is no excuse to close ones eyes and ears and block reasoning and thought and further oppose and reject to listen or learn simply because the medicine hasn't been FDA approved.

The FDA apparently is the godfather -litrarly demonising or ex-communicating everyone who does no bow down and bend over to the satan and demons and mafia which it oversees.

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