
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Food is the Body's 2nd Most Important source of Energy

The Human body ( Physically ) receives & reproduces energy from two main sources.

While most of the nutrients bio-composites are products of reformulated or assimilated food the energy is merely a byproduct of the process. Mistakenly, till today many view food in terms of calories or only classifies it in one of the food groups of protein,carbohydrate sugars or greens or in terms of Fat content.
Many other things are all pilled-up as vitamins, minerals, nutrients or micro nutrients. Simple enough to be boring and make you Cancel your Brain (Thoughts about anything beyond)

In a very similar manner plants' food is reduced to three or four elements or expanded to reach less then a dozen,but that does not explain or have anything to say for how tasty one country's fruits from an specific area are or how they affect the body differently when eaten then the same fruit from a different area!

Yes, the chemical constructs are essential building blocks of everything and the main source for producing energy in our bodies, but equally important is the air we breathe and how we breathe !

Air is the source of Vital Living Energy that enters our bodies. It bears the Living Force which is embedded and encapsulated in each of our blood cells regulated with every breath heart beat.
Food on the other hand is only consumed after it is in animate or DEAD.

Still on the physical level, yet invisibly existing are many energy interactions and exchanges between our bodies and the surrounding environment in the form of thermal energy or heat , and electromagnetic energies of different domains such as sound and light.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Oh 2011

As with most pioneers in their field Prof. Dr. K. S. Abbas Iqbal's many years of daily practice of medicine and the wealth of accumulated knowledge and time-perfected techniques are a few of the many reasons that make him an authority in Integral or Complementary Medicine.

By definition Integral medicine encamps all proven and most recent scientific discoveries and newly acquired knowledge with the proven practice and folklore medicine which still persist over thousands of years.

Integral Medicine has evolved as a natural outcome of the fusion between different healing techniques but more importantly different philosophies and approaches to health and well being as well as different views and understandings of the human body and medicinal effect.

However, all the traditional medicine depended on natural substances which we came later to understand better identifying within them active ingredients which we observed their effects in tissues under the microscope and in the test tube. Chemical medicine or synthetic medicine started by attempts to reproduce naturally occurring substances in industrial fashion. Soon enough people (chemists) were mimicking the chemicals and chemical effects they bring targeting the body with a pointed pick.

Not long after some of those smart people decided that an isolated piece of tissue from the body or a rat `put to the test' is as good as their 'lacky' sent on a mission 


Balanced life style result in a balanced emotional state.

Where we stand

Today, in 2011 and after more then 11 years after joining Prof. Dr. K.S. Abbas Iqbal our understanding of Quantum Bio Energy Medicine is based not solely on our experience over the years. The developments and contributions of many scientists to energy medicine continues everyday.
Most notably I want to draw attention to two scientists in particular.

The first man is Dr. Masurro Emoto from Japan has been famous in the past couple of years especially after the publishing of his series of books "Message of the Water " illustrating his work with water and the release of the movie "What the bleep ".

Dr. Wiliiam Tiller; a scientist of physics - his work has proven scientifically the effects of non-physical realms upon matter. Better said in his own words " For the last four hundred years, an unstated assumption of science is that human intention cannot affect what we call "physical reality." 

Our experimental research of the past decade shows that, for today's world and under the right conditions, this assumption is no longer correct.

We humans are much more than we think we are and Psychoenergetic Science continues to expand the proof of it.

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