A word about some of them
A word said about each of the Quantum Bio Energy Medicines is both too-little and too much !
I still find it hard to describe each of those personalities as their gifts unfold !
Yes, for instance M6 - the notorious medicine coming from way back when things started ..- for me that is - ..
M6 for instance remains M6 after all those years with us very puzzled and feeling helpless to name it anything
other then what we've known it to be M6.
The power of those Quantum Bio Energy Medicine as we have experienced over time are very interesting and involving new heights and discoveries.
M6 is best known in the Pain creme then as a medicine for any particular thing. Still M6 capsules are almost the sure choice for anyone who feels the onset of a flu to avoid it all together.
M6 works well with controlling fever while it's temperature reduction effect lasts only 4 hours .. Still it remains a safe choice for parents to be given alone or with any other fever reduction medicine.
M6 is a good example of QBEM multi-effect as it reduces inflammations , Pain and Fever while directly combating infections
If there is one medicine one shouldn't leave home without it would be M6
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