New QBEM Medicine
This is a very delicate matter for many reasons.
First and before getting into the details let us first remind over selves that not everyday a new medicine is made.
Genuinely new medicine appears every time a profound discovery is made .
Discoveries are made everyday as we learn more about the Bio inter-relations & interactions within the human body at different levels - starting with the Organs level to the tissues then cell and sub-cellular and then within the nucleus
when creating new medicine it is not made for one particular symptoms or discomfort instead it is engineered to address the disease which might - most likely - manifest at different body levels as many symptoms.
One of the many un-matched advantages of Quantum Bio Energy Medicine in comparison to other types of designed or fabricated medicine is that it stems from the source of knowledge and brings about health. Our understanding of how it works is however limited to our own knowledge and experience with it in different conditions and different approaches to gauge and visualize the process of healing.
But it's so complex ...and extremely fast.
This is the starting point for any understanding of what this medicine realy does and how it works once in contact with any person even before they consume it or it enter their bodies it acts upon and effects their bodies !
This is not common ,yet very true and observable by everyone. A simple way to think about it is that it works as if it is a USB Flash drive with information which becomes available once in contact with the Port which is the body in this case.
If you touch it with your skin any where in your body it instantaneously uploads the Right-Frequency-Signatures which re-align your body with Nature discarding any disharmonies.
This is how it acts on the leg or the head or stomach while placed in the hand or over the belly.
The Quantum interactions are much faster in their nature then electronic or electromagnetic throughout the whole spectrum (microwave-light-xray and gamma rays )
For the few non-belivers or skeptics it is enough to say that this is quantum and observable or measurable on this scale and below or in the bio domain to see it's effects on the body, on the organs, on the blood chemistry, and in the tissue and in the cell structure and in the Genes of the DNA. It is of physical nature what we are talking about ,but it is invoked and controlled spiritually. That we leave to the ones who believe.
Actually following the gene interactions or protein interactions is not my idea of fun
Why assume that the 'known' pathways and interactions are even the means is not sequential 'interactions' which I feel and perceive happening. It's more like a blue print or reprint by superimposition which is taking place. All at once.
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