It only 'Natural'
One can understand why so many of the physicians have a hard time accepting or understanding the material and proofs put forward and in their hands to examine when talking about a subject such as 'Cancer'
They have spent all their professional life ( twenty or thirty years or more ) seeing people suffer and expire while in false hope of some cure or recovery or waiting for a mircle which seldom happens.
It is an insult to those working in the medical feild for so many years when they hear the news that there is truly a cure for cancer.
It is another insult to their intellegance when we start to talk in terminology they never heared before and can't understand.
It is an ultimate 'knock-out' when they are told that this medicine is a medicine of physics rather then the medicines that work according to chemistry which all the known synthitic chemical, natural extract and herbal medicine commonly used around the world.
How could it be that there is something so profound and great that they have'nt heared about ?
and again how could it be true when the whole world is still spending thousands of millions trying to discover a better treatment or cure for cancer while our claims reach beyond their dreams.
Well, let it be known it is only natural to be the case.
We are used to ignorant people and arrogance of the ones holding prominant posts or with long experiance with the same thing.
We accpet their points of view and try hard to explain to them and answer their questions honestly and as accurately as possible.
But at the end there is no excuse to close ones eyes and ears and block reasoning and thought and further oppose and reject to listen or learn simply because the medicine hasn't been FDA approved.
The FDA apparently is the godfather -litrarly demonising or ex-communicating everyone who does no bow down and bend over to the satan and demons and mafia which it oversees.
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