
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When everything goes wrong

There are books written about the Lymphatic system & Lymph nodes network as the body immune system but let's talk a little bit about other aspects of the Lymph particularly the interface  between the Brain and the CNS Central Nervous System and the relation to rejuvenation or regeneration replacing damaged tissue or permitting new tissue regrowth.

  • The relation between Lymph & Nervous system
  • The relation between Lymph & Endocrine System
  • The relation between Lymph & Blood

Here we ended up making the Lymph our focus and the Spleen our target ; counting the spleen as part of the GI system which is viewed as a network for communication & medium for transport.
The essence of the stem cellsbone marrow as well as the muscles & tendons fall under focus as well.

All (xxx) the essence of the blood , the essence of the Lymph fluid , the mother of all the cells the stem cell.

Still one thing remains - in terms of vital essence and that is what represents consciousness , identity, the spirit or the natural intelligence for that we will designate the Air which we breath as that second ingredient besides what we drink & eat - as together they are what goes in & out of the bodies and provide us with all the nutrients & chemicals our bodies use for all the bio activities.

Here we will enact a DNA repair & Upgrade through Quantum Energy Medicine and Quantum Energy Medicine & integrative Medicine protocols. Full upgrade requires 8-12 weeks while instant upgrade could be achieved instantaneousnessley &  immediately in one go.

  • There will be change in  Diet & Food intake 
  • There will be change in Activity/Rest/Sleep habits
  • There will be change in Mood / Mindset
  • There will be change in overall improvement noticed during the first period or follow up
We will find ourselves addressing many common everyday activities and learning how to improve
  1. How to Eat
  2. How to Drink
  3. How to Sleep
  4. How to Work
  5. How to Rest
  6. How to Breath
  7. How to Think
  8. How to Enjoy life
  9. How to Be

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