Plan D
The ethics of the profession
- · The Wise
- · The Healer
- · The Comforter
- · The Doctor
People young and old from all professional fields in life seek the wise to get answers to their unanswered questions. Strangely, in the case of medicine all the information in the books or any other sources becomes information that can’t be put to use directly before consulting the doctor.
More strange is the fact that a person seeks another persons’ opinion and insight & advise about himself. Many time after meeting for the first time ever.
§ The wise is supposed to listen and identify with the person
§ Not asking any questions till the case is laid to rest
§ Then the wise questions should first verify the situation as understood
§ From here after completing the unstated particular features of the case , further examination or tests might be required before assesment of the case and treatment course
Many things between the lines go unstated.
The mere time of the visit during the day is a factor.
The prsence of accompanying family member or friend is factor & indication
The role played by such person is a factor
Each word said and unsaid
For example
The most apparent
- o Frame ( Build )
- o Cloths [ Cleansness, style -formal/casual ]
- o Tideness
- o Voice
- o Eyes
- o Face
- o Movement
- o Talk/Listen
- o Articulation
What brings this peron here ?
Have they seeked help elsewhere before ? Where ? details
What kind of a person are they ?
Seeking advise or with questions seeking answers or in need of help
Seeking advise or with questions seeking answers or in need of help
What is the best way to help ? How could we help ?
What is the main complain ( Acute Condition ) ?
If there is PAIN or Discomfort could it be reduced or managed ?
© The wise need not be reminded tha nature is wiser
© The healer knows he is meerly a channel for mercy & blessing
© The comforter’s mere presence is comfort
© The doctor writes the prescription and gives profesional insight & advise
The person leaves satisfied and feeling posatively motivated & empowered in many ways.
Then they come again for the first follow-up visit if they come again.
What now ? what has changed ? what is most notable ?
What now ? what has changed ? what is most notable ?
In every visit ,
I find myself asking
I find myself asking
Ø what did you have last nigh for dinner ?
Ø What about today ?
Ø When did you wake up / go to sleep ?
Ø How often do feel this way ?
Ø What time was it ( when symptom was noticed ) ?
Plan D
Common reaction of a person to disease.
v A - Alert ( reaction)
v B- plan B ( Take action)
v C- change plan ( Change not staisfactory )
v D- Doctor
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