Beem me SCOTTy
“Beem me SCOTTy”
When Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Gene P53 molecule enters into the body
it arrives at the right location(s) equiped with all the necessary crew and tools
and materials needed !
it arrives at the right location(s) equiped with all the necessary crew and tools
and materials needed !
The retro-transposones world which coprises more then 70% of our DNA is craoded and things are juppy there to the extent that very little is understood or known about it.
Scientifically, it is a matter still bening investigated. As this and other articles cite
Our understanding and precpetion of the subject started in 2004 Highlihing the role Retrotransposons play at the heart of the hypothesis of how Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Gene P53 (Snatinib.e) works in the body through the DNA at large
and Gene P53 mediated genes,functions and pathways.
and Gene P53 mediated genes,functions and pathways.
At that time it was noted also, that effects of Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Gene P53 seem to affect three distinct levels of the Gene P53 in various cells.
The Protective role of Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Gene P53 was also noted and documented by histopathological evidance clearly proving Gene P53 restoration of mutations.
Later, much later in 2009 I started to take intrest in Quantum Bio Energy Medicine Gene P53 role according to observations made since 2006 regarding a “New” ‘Cell-Cycle’ !
Now It is Augest 2011, · Oncogene 28, 3857-3865 (5 November 2009)
· p53 responsive elements in human retrotransposonsRole of p53 responsive elements
· DNA elements that are capable of altering the human genome through retrotransposition
· L1 elements
· which have a rich history of causing changes in the genome, and the p53 protein
· increased expression of L1 mRNAs by p53 actually increases, rather than decreases, the genomic stability through amplification of p53-dependent processes for genomic protection
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