Friday, December 11, 2009
New collaboration with University of Dusseldorf
Posted by DrKamel at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Europe, Germany, Research, Scientific
Artigos Relacionados:Blue Green Bio Tech
Posted by DrKamel at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Artigos Relacionados:
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
A word about some of them
A word said about each of the Quantum Bio Energy Medicines is both too-little and too much !
I still find it hard to describe each of those personalities as their gifts unfold !
Yes, for instance M6 - the notorious medicine coming from way back when things started ..- for me that is - ..
M6 for instance remains M6 after all those years with us very puzzled and feeling helpless to name it anything
other then what we've known it to be M6.
The power of those Quantum Bio Energy Medicine as we have experienced over time are very interesting and involving new heights and discoveries.
M6 is best known in the Pain creme then as a medicine for any particular thing. Still M6 capsules are almost the sure choice for anyone who feels the onset of a flu to avoid it all together.
M6 works well with controlling fever while it's temperature reduction effect lasts only 4 hours .. Still it remains a safe choice for parents to be given alone or with any other fever reduction medicine.
M6 is a good example of QBEM multi-effect as it reduces inflammations , Pain and Fever while directly combating infections
If there is one medicine one shouldn't leave home without it would be M6
Posted by DrKamel at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: QBEM
Artigos Relacionados:Thursday, February 19, 2009
QBEM P-53 - Gaining ground
The valuable tests made on QBEM p-53 on Ovarian Cancer Cells - which show comparison with another 39 Alternative Substances inclduing :
Quercetin, Ascorbic acid, C-statin, H2O2, co enzyme Q10, essiac tea, IP6, N-acetyl-cystein,salvestrol,caesium chloride, ellagic acid, L-carnithine, L-methinonine, Poly-MVA, Vitamin E, maitake, IFNa2, amygdalin, cur cumin, mistletoe,superoxide dismutase, indol-3-carbinol, uncaria tomentosa, artesunate, melatonin, selenium, noni juice, niacin, aloe vera extract, annonaceous acetogenins (paw paw), reolysin, Iykopene, and green tea extract
Only 3 susbtances showed any change in the culture, in the case of QBEM p53 there was a break-up of the cnacer cell measured at %30 and according to the lab specialist anything above %5 is Significant. Which means that the results were totaly un-expected ( by them)
My Congrats to everyone who participated in arraging and conducting the tests as we are looking forward now to conduct similar tests on different kinds of cancer cultures.
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Posted by DrKamel at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: Collaboartors, p53, USA
Artigos Relacionados:This man made 'Headlines' very recently
His name is Professor William Nelson ,and he is - in Their words - according to the Seattle Times
" William Nelson orchestrates one of America's boldest health-care frauds from Budapest, Hungary, where he rakes in tens of millions of dollars selling a machine called the EPFX that offers bogus treatments"
This is what I found when I entered the name in Google - I was looking for material which I want to share with you about "Quantum Biology"
In anycase, the dispute is over a device called "Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface" or QXCI
that I have had no experience with ever before.
There for the un-disputable "Quantum Biology" material is "highly disputable"
Still I invite you to read the material and judge for yourself
It's 17 Chapters of condense information on the subject , chapter titles Read about -
Indeterminism VS Determinism -Virtual Photons -Vions - Energetic Medicine and Meridian
joyful reading
Posted by DrKamel at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Nelson, quantum biology, QXCI
Artigos Relacionados:Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Controversial Personalities
Not sick people or patients ,rather they are the gurus and geniuses Of their time of all time.
When a person is miss-understood or miss-interpreted it's not by those who accept them and see them as great people. It's the opposing people whom make one a Controversial person and 'stick' to that stand most of the time till the end of life.
The end of the critics' life - not that of the Controversial person. One reason for that is that in many cases it's a matter of personal interest which cease to exist after the death of the other person. Another reason might be also personal, but this time it's personal unrest. Or special 'personal' reasons such as envy or probably anything else that does not show on the forefront argument ,but distorts and sheds any clear message and link all the controversy with an invisible thread.
With that been said, I won't restrict myself here to people who have died to avoid controversy. But I'll start by naming 2 (deceased) very well known and recognized worldwide personalities.
The first here is a person who has been awarded titles and honorary degrees which fill two full pages .. preceding his name
better known by his four letters first name " ANTON " 1930-2005
Posted by DrKamel at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Artigos Relacionados:A word about 'Reality' & truth
It is in the intension of this blog to educate and provide information as accurate and truthful and honest as one
could ever expect.
mainstream covered brands and companies or personalities.
the other point of view.
case which accepts the reality of people having different points of view
( that of actual results and events and people )
that is not disputable and does not accept POINTs of View
and findings and it's up here on the board for others to participate enriching and perfecting the work already concluded satisfactorily.
Now I could feel 'at ease' and continue what I was going about
and talk a bit about 'Quantum Biology' or 'Liquid Crystals'.
Posted by DrKamel at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: information pollution
Artigos Relacionados:Tuesday, February 10, 2009
15 Year Old girl sees the light for the first time since 8 years
Her name doesn't really matter. What matters is that not only can she see the light with her eyes ,but also she could distinguish colors and shapes and at very close distance she could even recognize shapes and letters written on a paper.
I was surprised by Prof. Dr. Iqbal as I walked into the office to find him with this young teen girl who has very humble and innocent looks.
Immediately Prof. Iqbal asked me : " DO you think see could see ? "
Cautiously I replied I'll take a closer look ;as I came closer and looked at both her eyes and quickly asked Dr. Iqabl " would you please ask her if she sees any light at all ? "
The girl answered : " Tell him I see him " Dr. translated and I asked "What does she see ? "
The girl answered with a smile : " He's wearing a black suit and red tie "
After having a high fever while just a 7 year old child and after receiving the medication the child lost her eye sight and thick cataract formed on both eyes covering them with a layer which light can't penetrate. So she lived her life normally only it had one color Black -
After using Bseer1 QBEM eye drop for a little bit over a month this meeting took place.
I'm not the only one who was surprised to know she could see at all because of the appearance & condition of her eyes !
Another miracle with QBEM. After
Now confidently we could cure Cataracts and Glaucoma without any surgery.
other Photos
( might not seem pleasant )
Sunday, January 25, 2009
ISQBEM and ‘P-53 Cancer-Answer’
The messages from the founding members of ISQBEM and those supporting the "No More Fear" ‘P-53 Cancer-Answer’ campaigns.
" We would like to extend our heartily prayers and wishes for
a life full with health & happiness
and with continued progress and successes to everyone "
With pride & pleasure we present the
‘Cure & Preventative of Cancer’
‘P-53 the Cancer-Answer’
Gene P53 Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine
a genuine historical breakthrough in science worthy
of global recognition. Claiming both actual practical
scientific and clinical superiority.
The top of the line and probably one of the most exciting (QBEM) Quantum Bio-Energy medicinal products.
Over the past 9 years QBEM produced in Pakistan has achieved successes supported by the testimony of both the physicians and patients with various diseases such as Hepatitis, Renal failure , MS
as well as other common & rare diseases wieldy considered incurable. The advanced pioneering energy medicine is completely safe yet powerful enough to bring about unmatched success and satisfaction in many cases untold of anywhere worldwide.
A additionally QBEM been used by many individuals from all over the world. For more then 7 years now the same good results are obtained and the medicine is appreciated in countries including Iraq, Iran, Saudi, Syria, Kuwait, Turkey, Morocco, as well as in Egypt, Canada, and France.
We believe that the use of P-53 Cancer Cure & Preventative and other (QBEM) Quantum Bio-Energy medicine will bring about positive historical change.
The Break-Through is a vehicle for global unity in health and change with the vision of a even brighter future.
In light of this been said We would propose ,an organization which embraces a clear long commitment to promote ISQBEM national chapters in the ‘ Modern world
rich in innovation, full of opportunities, and pioneering in
the field Of Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine and specifically
the P-53 Cure & Preventative of Cancer Scientific Break-Through which we hereby give our testimony to an approval and support.
Recognizing as a International Organization and extending your kind and generous support by all possible resources and means possible is most critical in spreading
the word and rising public support & awareness.
The consideration, approval, adoption and protection of the intellectual property and trade marks and business fostering
acts such as P-53 slogan & Cancer-Answer are the main threats to this cause.
We honorably and proudly want to ask & remind the whole world to write in their new science & technology books as well as history that in 2004 the 1st Scientifically Proven Cancer Cure & preventative was recognized by publication more then 16 years after it was discovered and proven satisfactory.
In the current economy & business circumstances and related areas QBEM is expected to be the evident sign & symbol driving change towards the post-New Millennium Knowledge Based Economy with exploding markets world wide.
The impact of the ‘ QBEM-IQ BOMB ’ and specially P-53h Cure for Cancer surely outweighs business and science innovations
with effects spread world wide such as Mobile, Internet and Fast Food and Talent Business therefore
It is equally as precious as jewels & gems and more.
It is a commodity which could be exported easier then Electricity , Gas or Petroleum Crude – Not only that it’s wells are un-perishable and with no limit.
We believe That un-less you and we all support this optimistic futuristic vision it will not be so. As the key to it’s success as vision is it’s acceptance and adoption on all National Levels Globally.
With our foremost gratitude & respect for you
yours faithfully,
Eyad H. A. Kamel
Posted by DrKamel at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Artigos Relacionados:
Its been some time ,but now the Genie is out in the light and has been spotted and chased in China, UK, and all over the world.
The Genie-small gene not the Ghost!- has been released to make miracles happen while Before only the lord would be able to do so !
Genie-p53 (qbemhh)
Before that many other trick performing & magical genies where released and mastered !
Before the one Edison released making Light was a Miracle of the Lord only and the Saints !
Before Marconi no one could be able to Talk across vast distances and until recently when the genie Nokia you had to be in a booth or stationary someplace with a WIRE connecting you with the other side.
You see all of those plus the innovative works such as the Airplane, Car and Computer –all of those do things and help or enable us to do things which only a Miracle could make true in the centuries that passed.
For that and all other blessings and rizg of all types and happiness we thank our beloved Lord. The message is clear , its out it’s in the air everyone realizes it the minute they come to know about it.
It for real
They are just getting to agree amongst them upon the genie recognizing it as being the in many roles as the Godfather, Monster, Suicide gene- giving it a prominent diagnostic Role
While by grace of our lord we used it as a door to enter to this arena and have superseded in overcoming its mutations restoring it to it’s healthy normal state of balance.
master Genie
The soul (of the DNA) ,the mistro , The God-father, The Suicide Gene any many more names for Gene p53 , whom we (personaly) consider a respectful & dear loyal friend and inturprter and 'SG' Pahlavan gateway to heaven
Posted by DrKamel at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Artigos Relacionados:About ISQBEM
ISQBEM ( International Society for Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine )
Founded July 14th 2005 in Lahore , Pakistan with a mission to Develop
Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine worldwide by providing an International
professional fourums & platforms for researchers & scientists from different
fields of science such as Physics Material Science, Agro and Nutrition
specialists as well as from the medical field.
Bio-Energy in this definition is the energy of any Living or non-living
Natural source. Naturally, on the top of the list of bio-energy sources
which we study energetically are Water & Soil from various parts of
the world.
Secondly, all foods and edibles are also studied from quantum bio-
energy perspectives. This basic knowledge is translated into various
Quantum Bio-Energy Medicines with different applications.
Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine works for Plants, Animals and
Humans alike.
In Human beings , the medicine works on different levels of energy
affecting the physical body as well as the unseen Emotional & Mental
Amongst the highest priority goals of ISQBEM is spreading this
knowledge and supplementing it with scientific documentation and
guidelines for testing procedures and treatment protocols.
Additionally , ISQBEM is the body developing Quality Assurance
measures and criteria for all Bio-Energy Medicines.
ISQBEM has the setup and professional capabilities to receive and
analyze contributions from scientists & researchers world wide for
New Bio Energy medicine.
Traditionally, All the natural medicines are comprised of some plant
extracts mixed in given proportions and used in specific manner for
medicinal use.
We at ISQBEM extend our study by adding to that our capability of
investigating other substances and energies which are not usually
considered by medical & pharmaceutical companies as medicine.
Specialized emphasis is given to Natural Healing soils & waters and
Structured water which are studied extensively paving the way for
the new future medicines that use water as the physical vehicle and
Quantum Bio-Energy as the active ingredient.
Posted by DrKamel at 5:10 PM 0 comments
Artigos Relacionados:
em -Pollution
Yes , Today we are the Future
To begin the discussion allow me to say : "The Internet is a Social phenomena rather then a technological revolution"
We must confess that today there is a lot of information all around ,but not necessarily useful information or that which is required or in demand. This is what we refer to as Information Pollution .
Information Pollution is in ever increasing magnitudes. It is a key characteristic of the Information Age . “ Pollution “ because such information is mostly unworthy for consumption by people or in other instances hazardous or harmful to them. The Polluted or contaminated information clogs people’s brains and consumes their attention and time without any payback to them.
The "Pollution" attribute applies to both the Content and Intent and Medium or transport
More frequently the timing and amount of information being bombarded at people against their will as in cases where it is very hard to avoid therefore Information pollution is not easily avoidable.
Examining this closely..
Pollution is not always easily detected until it reaches high levels which start to offset people’s positive or productive sides of life in ways not desirable to them . Even then it is not easy to overcome.
Therefore Information pollution is in every aspect of today's life and the only way to overcome it’s harmful effects is through disciplining oneself and following the important guideline of “ Green Information “ or “ Brain Friendly “ Information .
This matter is extremely important and I’d like to share with you my personal experience and conclusions.
Sources of Mis-Information & Pollution
• Satellite TV
• Video Games / PC Games / Arcade games
• E-mail
• Mail
• Ads in all media formats
• News
• Books
• Schools ( circulars out of date )
• Religious Groups
• The Internet
The 4th Generation’s Role in the Information Pollution Age
We at the 4th Generation realize the great responsibility of overcoming problems pertaining to Information Pollution and it’s affects on us and our environment . Therefore we have plotted a very well thought of path to expose this subject and overcome its undesirable outcome.
The first step in countering this crusade is understanding it ; What it means, knowing it’s sources and realizing their bad affect on us and accepting all that as a truism.
Secondly, we have identified the easiest and most effective means to overcome the problem.
Third, we’ve devised and made available the tools and weapons to defeat this enemy of mankind.
At a physical level all of this could be categorized an summed up as Vibrational pollution Covering different spectra areas of the electromagnetic spectrum including
• Sound
• Visible Light
• Undetectable electromagnetic Pollution
Aspects of Information Pollution
• Mis-Information
• High Volume of information
• Round-Clock Delivery On/By various Medias
Aimed to
• Stun
• Freeze
• Disrupt
• Dramatically Alter Daily & Long term Plans on all levels.
Shift Focus Cause ╬ Change
Mis-Information Cause Ж Dispute
such as all that is published & Advertised about or by the “ Hollywood/Bolywood “ and other "Show-Biz" perspective & views
This is a good example because of it's multifaceted effect herding & manipulating masses of people by using and controlling their Instincts, emotions & desires appealing to the natural reactions and programming the mind for suspended judgment responses and actions at given situations by Showing
• Horror
• Fear
• Hunger
• Need for shelter
• Sympathy & understanding for types of people
• Illusions & Hallucinations
• Science ( fiction )
• Cultism, Conspiracy & prophecies
• Higher Cause
accompanied by direct or indirect hidden messages or even subliminal suggestions.
Defending Mankind against EVIL which wants to change & destroy the FREE/Democratic way of life with all what Nudity could arouse, give Hope and Ambition for Success, Symbolize Pride and Honor and of course with all what money could buy . ( Property , Jewelry, Cars , possessions and Fame and all dreams come true.
It’s Time for all to WAKE-UP and realize that the words say clearly ..” DREAM “
At the end I must state that the responsibility in a collective responsibility ..not only that of the 4th Generation to exploit all forms & sources of Information Pollution and neutralize them .
4th Generation
founding member
Posted by DrKamel at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Artigos Relacionados:
QBEM- Development
Improving the Vehicle Substance
Improving the Production Process
Implementing the NBIE Template
Introducing Quality Control Criteria and Measures
Improving the packaging & package Design
Encouraging specific use ( Simplify Cancer Treatment Protocol )
Narrow or Targeted Medicine ( Combined QBEM ®New Names )
o Efficient Source of Energy ( Protein )
FOOD & MEDICINE or SuperFood
o Detoxifier - Anti-Oxidant -Immune Booster
o Balance Body Alkaline/Acidity
o Cleanse the intestinal and urinary tracts
o + + + +
Subtle Energy (Bio-Energy) | Sachearum Lactose Vehicle Substance | Quantum Energy | |
| + | = | |
Here the first two components share with the vehicle substance an important characteristic. All three form Crystalline Structures especially true also in the case of Zamzam water because of it's high silica content
Therefore when using Distilled water we loose a lot compared to using Zamzam water.
As for the Formula or equations there are a number of problems with it starting with the which was a
till very recently.
Another over simplification or generalization is the
Last of course the
Q: How could a compound with a molecular weight of 360.32 carry energy beyond it's weight ( Capacity ) ?
The honest truth is that still at this stage all those formulas are problematic and mere scientific approximation or suggested representation till a concise and precise formula is established and verified.
Still with what we know of common science the formulas and equation could easily be improved and upgraded in scientific notation and accuracy and conformity to known laws of chemistry and physics.
Improving QBEM as a medicine ( effect ) goes alongside implementing the NIBE ( New Islamic Bio Energy) template and more importantly with the vehicle substance as will be explained.
Without going into the chemical or the bio chemical aspect though indicating in brief the major or main differentiation criteria here.
1- Currently we are using a Sugar
no added chemical value
2- No living matter or DNA
The proposed new vehicle is not only rich in protein content and chlorophyll but contains lots of essential ingredients such as minerals and other trace elements and other bio chemicals rarely found from another source.
The most interesting part about all of this are the other pigments and compounds such as the cartiniods which as in the case of chlorophyll both absorb light at a given frequency and emit light at given frequency !
A characteristic known for their ability to transport electrons across their chains and absorb photons likewise
It is our belief that this characteristic could very well be a practical approach for the new medicine which could be programmed by light not only sound vibration or electromagnetic induction or pulsed electricity or magnetism.
That is using a vehicle with a structure very much resembling the Haemoglobin with only a different Core Atom.
In the case of QBEM When using this vehicle it allows us to work beyond cellular bio chemistry on the DNA and more precisely the abundance
of transposones
| + | = |
® = Chemistry
Here what I did mainly are two things
I took out the Vehicle Substance, all the subtle energy components and reduced the equation to mass of a given substances times it's molecular weight !
But what about where I started.
Well Basically that involves lots of lab work on the essence and substances at hand such as chromatography and spectroscopy and all the equations needed to write the needed formulas are within the known scientific domain be it in physics or quantum biology or bio chemistry or genetics.
QBEM- Development
Improving the Vehicle Substance
Improving the Production Process
Implementing the NBIE Template
Introducing Quality Control Criteria and Measures
Improving the packaging & package Design
Encouraging specific use ( Simplify Cancer Treatment Protocol )
Narrow or Targeted Medicine ( Combined QBEM ®New Names )
o Efficient Source of Energy ( Protein ) –
FOOD & MEDICINE or SuperFood
o Detoxifier - Anti-Oxidant -Immune Booster
o Balance Body Alkaline/Acidity
o Cleanse the intestinal and urinary tracts
o + + + +
Subtle Energy (Bio-Energy)
| Sachearum Lactose Vehicle Substance | Quantum Energy |
| + | = |
Here the first two components share with the vehicle substance an important characteristic. All three form Crystalline Structures especially true also in the case of Zamzam water because of it's high silica content
Therefore when using Distilled water we loose a lot compared to using Zamzam water.
As for the Formula or equations there are a number of problems with it starting with the which was a
till very recently.
Another over simplification or generalization is the
Last of course the
Q: How could a compound with a molecular weight of 360.32 carry energy beyond it's weight ( Capacity ) ?
The honest truth is that still at this stage all those formulas are problematic and mere scientific approximation or suggested representation till a concise and precise formula is established and verified.
Still with what we know of common science the formulas and equation could easily be improved and upgraded in scientific notation and accuracy and conformity to known laws of chemistry and physics.
Improving QBEM as a medicine ( effect ) goes alongside implementing the NIBE ( New Islamic Bio Energy) template and more importantly with the vehicle substance as will be explained.
Without going into the chemical or the bio chemical aspect though indicating in brief the major or main differentiation criteria here.
1- Currently we are using a Sugar …no added chemical value
2- No living matter or DNA
The proposed new vehicle is not only rich in protein content and chlorophyll but contains lots of essential ingredients such as minerals and other trace elements and other bio chemicals rarely found from another source.
The most interesting part about all of this are the other pigments and compounds such as the cartiniods which as in the case of chlorophyll both absorb light at a given frequency and emit light at given frequency !
A characteristic known for their ability to transport electrons across their chains and absorb photons likewise
It is our belief that this characteristic could very well be a practical approach for the new medicine which could be programmed by light not only sound vibration or electromagnetic induction or pulsed electricity or magnetism.
That is using a vehicle with a structure very much resembling the Haemoglobin with only a different Core Atom.
In the case of QBEM When using this vehicle it allows us to work beyond cellular bio chemistry on the DNA and more precisely the abundance
of transposones
| + | = |
® = Chemistry
Here what I did mainly are two things
I took out the Vehicle Substance, all the subtle energy components and reduced the equation to mass of a given substances times it's molecular weight !
But what about where I started.
Well Basically that involves lots of lab work on the essence and substances at hand such as chromatography and spectroscopy and all the equations needed to write the needed formulas are within the known scientific domain be it in physics or quantum biology or bio chemistry or genetics.
Posted by DrKamel at 1:11 PM 0 comments
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