ISQBEM ( International Society for Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine )
Founded July 14th 2005 in Lahore , Pakistan with a mission to Develop
Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine worldwide by providing an International
professional fourums & platforms for researchers & scientists from different
fields of science such as Physics Material Science, Agro and Nutrition
specialists as well as from the medical field.
Bio-Energy in this definition is the energy of any Living or non-living
Natural source. Naturally, on the top of the list of bio-energy sources
which we study energetically are Water & Soil from various parts of
the world.
Secondly, all foods and edibles are also studied from quantum bio-
energy perspectives. This basic knowledge is translated into various
Quantum Bio-Energy Medicines with different applications.
Quantum Bio-Energy Medicine works for Plants, Animals and
Humans alike.
In Human beings , the medicine works on different levels of energy
affecting the physical body as well as the unseen Emotional & Mental
Amongst the highest priority goals of ISQBEM is spreading this
knowledge and supplementing it with scientific documentation and
guidelines for testing procedures and treatment protocols.
Additionally , ISQBEM is the body developing Quality Assurance
measures and criteria for all Bio-Energy Medicines.
ISQBEM has the setup and professional capabilities to receive and
analyze contributions from scientists & researchers world wide for
New Bio Energy medicine.
Traditionally, All the natural medicines are comprised of some plant
extracts mixed in given proportions and used in specific manner for
medicinal use.
We at ISQBEM extend our study by adding to that our capability of
investigating other substances and energies which are not usually
considered by medical & pharmaceutical companies as medicine.
Specialized emphasis is given to Natural Healing soils & waters and
Structured water which are studied extensively paving the way for
the new future medicines that use water as the physical vehicle and
Quantum Bio-Energy as the active ingredient.
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