Written as a story it is now available to all people from all ages and backgrounds • Zamzam To arrive at the points most interesting one must go into details otherwise not necessary to explain specially to Muslims who have some idea about them from their faith and lively experience.
In 2000 the USA attacked both Afghanistan & Sudan with Tomahock missiles Our respond to that continues .. see The Message & www.Takbeer.com
During the war on Bosnia when the whole country was torn apart and the battle ships and
aircraft carrier called-in. We got together and did our part by reciting specific verses of Qur'an with the photos and maps in front of as to help us visualize and channel the energy.
Then again and before that many time so what did really happen
Deciphering white paper with no ink
In the 90's when the Serbs where performing massacres on daily basis in Bosnia and the US decided to get involved ; at that time we – all Muslims worldwide – felt helpless and yet provoked and obliged to do something in support of the poor Bosnians in their war for survival .
My uncle asked me to pass by his house late at night to make special Dua'. It was not uncommon for him to call me at any time for untold multitude of reasons or no reason or just summon me –asking me to pass by his house. Going over there I had no idea what is the matter.
After knowing it is about the situation in Bosnia I became even more puzzled how we were going to help…effectively. Now lastly I was told we're going to make Dua'
Here I had no clue what it is the we're about to do.
It's simple , one Ayah "
Was to be recited repeatedly I think for 5,000 or so We had also in front of us burning coal and the photo of one of the US military pieces (aircraft Carrier) + map of the Bosnia with marking where the problem was.
When we finished we recited the Dua' and threw a small paper with the name written on it in the fire. When it burned we assumed our mission complete and the effect done.
Again in 2001, another assault on Muslims took place this time concurrently in Afghanistan & Sudan. Once again helpless emotionally stressed Muslims worldwide are challenged and provoked with very little for them to do except take refuge and ask help from Allah. This time it was my brother who led the way in that direction with a two email messages which he sent asking for Night Prayers, Fasting and redemption. Though it seems straight forward and typical "old" way of thought he sparked a light which lit up a huge fire burning long in time which lasted year after that incident and for me it was a starting point that led me to think and experiment with Takbeer in very "new" way and unprecedented approach resulting in many of the work which was the base for my research in Quantum bio-Energy years later finally resulting in academic study of alternative medicine the field in which I got my doctorate of philosophy.
The Story
Circles & Bars
It happened one day in 2002. I was going about my routine daily work at home when all of the sudden I started to get those vibes.
Actually the energy I was receiving were not the millions of vibes, but something much more forceful. It was strong enough to move my whole body, intelligent enough to communicate back and forth with me; the inner part of me- answering lots of questions that were popping in my mind as I started to take actions which had no clear explanations at the time.
I had to move and movement is what was happening.
Have you ever been there? The circles! That I'll explain later.
Luckily I had a friend who came by with no prior arrangement and the two of us started something that consumed all of our time for the following three days. His presence gave me both comfort and re-assurance as he witnessed the whole experience – It was not my imagination.
Here I'll start because I'm sure once this is out it will create an avalanche of protest and dismay among people. My own family found it hard to go along with what I told them while I
Still today after years have passed I find myself with the same views about the matter though fortunately – many thanks to Allah – I'm less sensitive and can tolerate what was at the time intolerable to me both philosophically and on the physical level.
My ideas and thoughts are not all %100 supported by scientific evidence, but I offer everyone who reads this paper a dozen simple experiments & tests along with my own observations that were made during a very heightened state of spirituality.
I chose to write most of this as a story such that all people from different ages and backgrounds could read and relate to the happenings in their own personal way. After returning from Umrah;
it is obligatory to cuts at least a flock of your hair. Many people like to earn the reward doubled at the hefty price of cutting off all their hair. Thus it is customary to shave ones' hair. Being the case; I opted to this option and shaved my head e
Besides feeling the heat then the cold after your inner heat is release thru your head the first sensation you get feel like as if you could touch your brain. You feel good by just placing you hand over your head. In less then two days time a soft layer of furry hair grows and rubbing your hand across your head becomes the next best thing to do to make yourself happy.
One or two days later the hair becomes slightly longer and pointed as mini antennas. This is the time when this story took place.
Circular motion is the universal path for all natural bodies in the universe. Galaxies, Planets, and even electrons rotate around a central point endlessly. People fail to recognize this because everything is swirling at the same time. Even sound propagates in all directions from its' source in ever expanding circles. Light is the only exception because it travels in straight lines or rays from its' origin.
On the other hand people and other living creature having free will break this rule and go in any direction or stop and pause as they move about.
A straight line is the closest distance between two point – we were thought. So it's only logical to go from one place to the other in a straight movement fashion. Another consideration here is that we are not built round. Rather we have faces in our front side and that's where eyes are located. Our vision is narrowed and restricted to the direction we face and hence we move forward facing our target destination.
Hair does not grow equally or at the same speed in all the areas over ones head. However, in the beginning when hair starts to grow it has roughly the same short length and is attuned to the same frequency. Later, a spectrum of frequencies are picked up by varying lengths of hair in different areas.
If you are a man who's afraid of loosing your looks and charm because of cutting your hair short or totally shaving your head while not weighing your gains of doing so after performing Umrah you are defiantly missing an exciting experience and chances are you are thinking more about your hair then about the fires of hell.
Whatever I said did not go thru my head before going thru my hair.
The heirs
After my father had passed away came another story less then five years later with another kind of cancer bringing me and my brothers still living with our mother close to be able to share our responsibilities towards her.
She took her time and left us at the big house. Yes, the big house; more of a mini palace still it was not enough anymore for us not because of lack of space as much as it was because of lack of privacy. The house was designed to accommodate one family with lots of room for it to grow. So we never felt short of space. When My younger brother got married and had two beautiful daughters and later I married and had my daughter it became next to impossible to have peace and independence or have a lifestyle
When mom passed away ; naturally things changed. One change was how we – my brothers and myself – occupied and utilized the space of this family house.
I moved from the guest quarters to my mothers' spacious room which became my small house within the house , my brother took the place I was occupying and his daughters and his wife's' son took another of the room where he was staying with his wife. It felt a bit better in this sense everyone got extra more space to live.
Another way of looking at the matter was that my wife and I had to moved in the room of the deceased person and were sleeping on the bed she sleeps once with my father when he was around. We ( my wife & I ) were in the dead peoples' room.
As most of us do I was re-arranging my room, and with my wife away from the house for a week vacation with her family it only seemed logical to take advantage of the circumstances.
" I can leave everything on the floor over-night, no one will push me now or the next morning to pile all my stuff again and put it in drawers or under the table before I had finished sorting out things completely "
I have tons of books and loose papers and small things such as diskettes and CDs and many other objects without naming. I've always had lots of small bits which come from past jobs, readings ,writings ; scribbles of ideas and art sketches which I consider sacred and refuse to discard before personally reviewing and making sure I'm not throwing away an important piece of information or creative work or even more importantly work related official documents brought back home one day – because I'm kind of a mad Artist – Scientist !
The beginning was very normal as I got everything out and pilled things alike together in one spot in transit before I sort them thoroughly.
That week I had gone for on a rare occasion to visit someone I had met earlier in Makkah the week before. It was a custom that I kept for the past several years. After performing Umrah I would shave my head clean and live again the feeling. Every time I would feel as if I'm holding and touching my brain just by putting my hand over my head. At first the passing air would feel different ..cold ,and you realize that your head radiates lots of heat !
Yes, Umrah is as its' named …another "life" when you re-enjoy and relive daily experiences with different perspectives and understanding and sensation altogether
My surprise this time was with the short 1-2mm pointed hairs on my head. They seemed to give me more coherent or tuned sensitivity to vibrations. As I came to experience after one week of performing the Umrah.
Unwritten protocol
1. Clearing out all the objects that have visible "Human Images" or "Bar Code"
2. Clearing mess
3. Re-arranging furniture for optimal energy flow
4. Wipe clean dust and small or hidden /pilled dirt
5. Clear ( Re-circulate ) the rooms' air ,and use essence of fragrance with good smell
6. Throughout the process use voice player to sound Zikr to cleanse the area and sanitize it spiritually
7. Pickup the Vibes, and Buzz and go along with necessary action with little effort no hesitation or resistance to the flow
8. Try as much as possible to log and write ideas and key words to be able to pick up later and explain or remember the important distinctive parts of the experience rather then getting carried away far from being able to capture it on paper
9. Two ways, the main or primary is a free flow or no specific plan were nothing pre-defined or specified allowing oneself to receive energy and take actions seamlessly even of there are no associated thoughts . The Second method is with and around a given very specific thought or object or objective or person rather or area to study or investigate rather then being open to any thought or any move.
1. Wear clean white cloths
2. Drink Zamzam
3. Make the first move | 1 full circle around the heart
4. Change speed according to flow of force turning you
5. Shift & Change from one circle to another according to flow and don't restrict yourself to a specific point or center
6. Feel the energy change your position or speed or spread you hand above or to the side
7. Notice the steadiness of the fields and periods consisted of steady revolutions and a steady speed and pace.
In January 2007, almost 5 years after my first experience with Zikr accompanied with movement. Zikr with water, Zikr with breathing and other related Zikr activities.
During 2002, I learned how to increase the sensation and effect of energy flow caused by Zikr. My knowledge of Fung Chi at practical level came with new higher skill and ability .
What I learned was almost in totality what I was able to draw as conclusions from my observations in experiments with
• Quartz rock
• Sound/Light
• Attraction & repulsion among different QBEM or structured water
• Diagram experiments with the pendulum
• Bar Code
What I say ..What I thought I saw
What I felt ..what I thought
What I understood ..what I did ,and what I concluded.
All of what I mention is what happened and the only guarantee I give is my promise to abide by truth and honesty and to give most accurate description as much as I could push myself to write without fear of being mocked or judged.
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